Featuring a moderate coastal climate and a tour of both El Segundo and its schools, it’s small-town Americana at its best. The 5K Run/Walk is an easy-to-moderate hill course while the 10K Run is a slightly modified 2nd loop. The fundraising event is Saturday, April 27, 2019, and starts at 8:00 AM.
As a family-friendly event, the Run continues to be community focused and youth orientated. From the long-standing practice of inviting local youth sporting groups along with local businesses to join in the race activities, the Run is a much-anticipated event for all involved.
All participants will receive finishers medals with Overall winners plus 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers in all men’s and women’s age groups receiving Run For Education placement medals.
El Segundo Run for Education Course Map & Description
As one of the more unique USA Track & Field certified road courses in Southern California the Run for Education features a moderate coastal climate and a tour of downtown El Segundo, as well as, it’s neighborhoods and schools.
The 5K Run/Walk is an easy-to-moderate hill course through local neighborhoods while the 10K Run offers up a 2nd loop around El Segundo. All 5K and 10K participants will receive Finisher Medals. 5K Run Map 10K Run Map
The Kids Fun Run will be split into a 1K and 1/2K event. The 1K Kids Run is for kids ages 6-10 years old while the 1/2K Kids Run is for kids 5 and under. All participants ages 10 and under who have not already received a finisher medal in the 5K or 10K will receive a finisher medal. Kids Run Map

The El Segundo Run for Education 5K and 10K have also been selected as a 2019 Road Running Grand Prix Series events. The Series offers opportunities for USATF members to compete in some of the best road races in the region. USATF members entering their membership number during the registration process will receive a $5 registration discount. Additional information on the Grand Prix can be found at the following link: USATF SCA Road Running Championships
El Segundo Run for Education Details
6:30 AM: Packet Pick-Up & Late Registration Opens
7:35 AM: Starting Line Corrals Open
7:50 AM: Opening Ceremony | National Anthem | Final Race Instructions
8:00 AM: 5K/10K Runners Start | Health & Fitness Expo Opens
9:00 AM: Awards Ceremony
10:00 AM: 1/2K Kids Fun Run
10:15 AM: 1K Kids Fun Run
12:00 PM: Event Concludes
In an effort to provide every one of our participants with as comfortable a run as possible, Starting Line Corrals will be enforced at this year’s event. The corral system assures a smooth and safe start by lining up participants of similar pace in the same area.
Runners who identify themselves as Elite Male (<18:20 5K or <38:00 10K) or Elite Female (<19:50 5K or <40:00 10K) during registration will qualify for the seeded corral up front. All other participants are asked to line up in the appropriate corrals. Large signs identifying each corral will be displayed along the starting line area. Please be courteous and look for the corral that fits you best.
Corral A: Elite Runners
Corral B: General Runners
Corral C: General Walkers
Corral D: Walkers with Strollers
El Segundo Run for Education Registration & Pick-up
Early packet pick-up and in-person registration is available Thursday (5:00pm-8:00pm) & Friday (11:00am-7:00pm), April 25 & 26 at the El Segundo Athletic Club located at 505 Main Street in El Segundo.
1. Pre Race Early Packet Pickup – Pick-up and in-person registration hours are Thursday, April 25 (5:00pm-8:00pm) & Friday. April 26 (11:00am-7:00pm).
2. Race Day – Packet pick-up and in-person registration will also be available on-site at the Run starting at 6:30 AM.
Race packets will include a quality unisex t-shirt and race bib with timing chip. Please bring ID to verify your registration.
To learn more about the 2019 El Segundo Run for Education, visit their website.
Volunteers Needed!
The El Segundo Council PTA Run for Education needs your help!
Volunteers are critical to the success of the El Segundo Council PTA’s Run for Education! Without the support of our community to help our event, we would not be able to raise the funds we do to support our local schools. If you cannot participate in the event, then volunteering is a great way to support our schools. We have listed all of the volunteer positions on the volunteer website (http://signup.com/go/EmpvZkh), even all of the corners! Please sign up now for the corner or position that best fits your location/schedule. Please remember that at least one of the corner volunteers needs to be 18 years of age (or older). Thank you for supporting our students!! If you have any questions, please reach out to volunteer@esrun4education.com